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Jabong Mailer (CPA)

Sunday, 1 March 2015

Andrea McMillan was a tenured art teacher with Oklahoma City Public Schools, but as enrollment and budgets decreased, she was bounced from school to school, year after year.

Brandon Baca, senior partner with Kevo Properties, and Andrea McMillan, a new Realtor, are pictured at her first open house recently in Yukon. PHOTOs BY TIM FALL, FOR THE OKLAHOMAN
Being a teacher and mom of 15-year-old Zoe, 3-year-old Max and 1-year-old Viggo was a tough way to earn a living and make a life, so she started looking at avenues into a career she “knew I always wanted to try.”

Real estate.

McMillan enrolled in the basic prelicense course at the Charles Barnes School of Real Estate, 300 NW 27 in Moore, and spent the better part of a year working her way through the required 90 hours of coursework.

She was not alone in her decision to pursue the trade.

Director Mack Barnes said the Charles Barnes School of Real Estate has seen a steady increase in enrollment, especially in online classes, in recent years.

For 2015, total online enrollment will be up 135 percent from 2009, he said. That’s after a decrease of 38 percent from 2007 to 2008. Barnes declined to give figures for classroom instruction.

Read full story: Real estate school in Oklahoma provides careers for dedicated students

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Jabong Mailer (CPA)

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