Jabong Mailer (CPA)

Saturday, 5 December 2015

Former Labor Minister Wang Ju-hsuan has grabbed much public and media attention since becoming KMT presidential candidate Eric Chu's running mate — but, for all the wrong reasons.

Wang has found herself deeply mired in allegations over her dealings in the real estate market — allegations that are threatening to discredit what she has worked for as a human rights lawyer and labor minister.

Amid widespread public resentment against real estate speculation and a government campaign to curb soaring housing prices, Wang's alleged frequent transactions in the property market over the years are already enough to raise some eyebrows.

But her transactions have been exceptionally controversial because of the property market segment that she has specifically targeted.

She has admitted that she has engaged in trading military housing units, which are supposed to accommodate retired servicemen and their dependents. These units — built to replace old and shabby ones that the military personnel have been living in for decades — are not supposed to be items on the regular real estate market.

Indeed they aren't regular pieces of property, because there are restrictions on their transactions. The original owners cannot resell the properties within five years of obtaining them from the military.

But critics have alleged that many original owners have been tricked into committing to selling their military housing units for a low price inside the five-year embargo period, with the buyers reaping undue profits later by reselling them on the regular property market.

It remains debatable whether such transactions within the embargo period are legal, but Wang has been accused of engaging in such transactions.

Wang has admitted that she has been involved in the transaction of military housing units, but refused to provide details of how these dealings were handled.

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